Friday, September 27, 2013

Last Day of Term!!

We threw ourselves into full scale MASK PAINTING mode today - the Nelson Mask Parade is at the end of the first week back next term so we wanted to get the bulk of the work done before we broke for holidays.

We sang while we worked - practising our poem about the moon that we had put to music. The poem is called Moon In the Sky and it is by Jill Eggleton.

I look at the moon, in the sky at night, 
I look at the moon, when its big and bright.

I look at the moon, when its round like a ball.
I say to the moon "Never, ever fall!
If you fell from the sky,
It would be a mistake
For what a horrible hole
You would make!"

Here we are at end of term assembly getting ready to share it with our school community with Harrison taking responsibility for the impromptu introduction.

Tonight we are celebrating end of term with a blacklight disco!
Have you ever been to one?

Thursday, September 26, 2013


Adele, Emily-Dora and Kymani creeped us out today when we turned around to see them standing there staring at us with their sun masks on...

Do masks sometimes creep you out?

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Skipping and Leaping

We have been leaping about.  How good are you at leaping?

Shay has been working on her two feet skipping jump - what do you think?

Maui and the Goddess of Fire

Whoosh went the fire as Maui wet the fire. 
The fire wasn't going at his whare. His Nana said to Maui the fire has gone off, you have to  go and get some more fire. His brothers said get some fire for us.
By Asha Sadd

Maui and the Goddess of Fire

"Get me some fire!" shouted Maui's Mum. Maui's brother and sister started to worry, but Maui wasn't worried.
By Jaz Joyce

Broken Car

my              mums          car   broke down     because there was a noise chattering    and   me    and    breyrana         had    to    get     out   of the car.       My dad     came    and he had handy fingers so he made the car work again. there were also three gentle men who put the car on the side of the road.

By Ralph

MAUI and the GODDESS OF FIRE by Cody S

Yes, indeed, Maui was a trickster. One day he felt particularly mischievous and he decided to put out all the fires in the village.

By Cody

maui and the Goddess of fire

''MAUI!! YOU PLAYED TRICK'S ON ME!!!'' said the Goddess of Fire then Maui scrabbled home through the tiny fire that was getting drowned by the rain. by Sam P and Ms Kelly

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Eye of the Storm by Sam Pottage

The creepy man throoe magit poshin in fire then he went outside and gropted a BOX!

The creepy man threw magic potion and fire and then he went outside and dropped a BOX!
By Sam

Eye of the Storm by Sequoia

In the start of the story there were lots of clouds in the sky.Then there was a green hole. The video was scary because there was a storm and thunder as well.
The man who was in the video, he had a gas mask. It was foggy out side and when  the thunder was harder the man got struck by lightning.
By Sequoia

Eye of the Storm

The guy on the airship was looking for the eye of the storm and he got struck by lightning in the storm.
He   went  in  the   storm     and    then    he  went   in  side  of  the  air  ship .
When he gets to the storm he will turn around.
By Conroy

Eye of the Storm by Maison

The man was in the flying ship. There was green fire and he dropped a box and he went in a storm. There was lightning and thunder. He found a key to unlock the dragon. I think that he was a zombie.

Eye of The Storm

The man was in a flying air balloon with a cauldron in it and a dragon sitting out in the cold wind.
It was his job to fly the air balloon with a dragon.
He went into a storm and then he found a key and then he unlocked the dragon.  The dragon flew off into the storm.
I think if he goes into the storm he might go to a different planet and deliver something.

By Harrison.

Monday, September 23, 2013

I love Polly

I played with Polly and it was fun. She is a budgie and I love Polly and nearly all the budgies come from Australia and Australia is bigger than New Zealand.

By Shay

What Zayden saw...

I saw a dragon in the  video and I saw a person. The person throwed some potion in the big hot fire.
I think he threw it in because he wanted to be evil. 
By Zayden

Friday, September 20, 2013

Community Art

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Maui and the Sun

the       sun's lines look  kolleu      and are yellow like cheese. the lines    look like fire.  
 bi    ralph

The sun's lines look curly and are yellow like cheese. The lines look like fire.
By Ralph

Maui and the Sun mask design writing

I 'am going to use thess colours; pink yellow and red because they are pitikler because in
 maui and  the sun it has this colours.

By Sam Pottage

I am going to use these colours; pink, red and yellow because they are particular because in Maui and the Sun it has these colours.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Curious Garden by Peter Brown

We read this book and had to decide which city we would rather live in.

I   would    rather   live     in     the      light city because   it has heaps of gardens.

by Ralph

I would rather live in the city with the garden because it had colour and I like the colour.
I liked the colourful garden and the pretty flowers.
By Kymani

Monday, September 16, 2013

America's Cup

I watched the America's Cup on Sunday and New Zealand was going to tip over but they didn't.
Dean Barker turned the steering wheel and BOOM! They were back in the sea.

By Ricky


On Saturday Mum and I went to Tennis.
I saw lots of people there. I made some new friends and they didn't  be mean to me, I didn't be mean to them either I had so much fun playing tennis with so much people playing with me. All the people looked like they were having fun.
I learned to hit the ball over the net. The man threw the ball from side to side to each person.
We had to line up behind each order. James was at the front of one line and someone I didn't know was at the front of the other line.

My Weekend

In the   holidays   my   Mum said to me  "Ralph, come here. You know those shopping things you have at your school. I have some here!"

She had five for me and five for Brearna.
I unwrapped them myself and my favourite one was ALL OF THEM!!!

By Ralph.   

Sunday, September 15, 2013

R ALH      IS       MI KEZ     FND.

By Ralph

Ralph is Ms Kelly's friend.

Friday, September 13, 2013

School Photos

This week we had school photos!  The photographer was here ALL day and we only have three classrooms! it was raining so we had to do them in the hall this year.

Here is a photo we took of us all with our iPad
Three people are away...

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Sam Pottage says...

If my friend was hurt I would go over and say "Stop it! You're hurting my friend. I will go and tell on you now!"

Doing the Right Thing

If my friend was getting hurt I would tell that person to stop what they were doing. If they didn't listen I would then tell an adult.
I would also support the person that got hurt.

By Jas Smith

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Waiting for The Teacher

St Vincent Room plays build a house when we are waiting for our teacher after break times.
In Build-a-house the leader draws a line (or some lines) on the whiteboard and the children try to guess the letters. If they get the letter wrong the leader draws one line of a simple house.
First you guess the vowels -a e I o u. When you have got two then you guess the consonants.
It is like Hangman but our teacher does not like that game!

Wobbly Tooth

My   name   is   Shay   and   my   tooth  was   wobe    and  at  home    I  WOBDOD   my  tooth     and   ven   it  cam   at.

My name is Shay and my tooth was wobbly and at home I WOBBLED my tooth and then it came out.

by Shay

Ralph's explanation of a class game.

fosd               y o r        p o t       t h e       v l z           ae u ioaeiou    ono       conssooor

First you put the vowels A E I O U. Then the consonants.
By Ralph (he is explaining about our game called Build-A-House)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Mexican Suns

Shape Exploring

Today we put out a few shape pattern pictures. We were very interested and busy copying the shapes. The squares group worked in small teams to support each other.

Some people made their own versions!
Harrison used the iPad to take photos of the best ones so we can use these to copy next week.

Cody Stringer's Birthday!!

Cody Stringer is 8 today!
In a happy reversal he brought US a present today...CAKE!!
We had four cakes so we cut each cake into tenths so we would have enough pieces for everyone... can you work out how many students we had in our room this morning?

Thanks Cody and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

By St Vincent Room

Monday, September 9, 2013

Discovery Time in St V by Ms Kelly

Friday Funday aka Discovery Time Day is proving a real hit in our room!
This highly social time fosters creative play and a Have-a-Go attitude.
We all set up a variety of student negotiated activities and have two social goals we reflect on afterwards.
Last week our goals were
To ask in polite calm voices
To take turns and share

During reflection we discovered that when we take turns and ask politely Discovery Time is much more fun for everyone and there are fewer hassles and Ms Kelly can enjoy her playing too!
Here is a collage made on the iPad of our recent session! 
Can you spot the Rube Goldberg style machine?


I am so proud of you, James!
One of your goals is to work on number sequence and here you are with the hundreds page you decided to fill out today.
 You have written all your numbers so neatly AND they are all the the right order.
You rock!

I wonder what goals other people are working on and how they are achieving them.

Sequoia and the Eight Part Shapes!

Sequoia has been exploring eighths today.
What different shapes has she made with eight parts?

Thanks for working independently on our fraction challenge today, Sequoia!!

Fractions in Eight Parts....

Ashley and Eva met the shape fractions challenge today by creating some shapes cut into eighths.
Can you see their eighths? How many eighths of their rectangle shape are blue? 
Is this the same as any other fraction you know?

Friday, September 6, 2013

Shadows, income and being entertainers

Cody S, Adele, Sam Pottage, Cody H and Amber volunteered to share their shadow and money stories at assembly today.
We were proud of them all for using their entertaining clear reading voices and making sure their books did not cover their faces.
We were especially proud of Amber and thought she was super brave to share on her last day at APS.
We will miss you so much, Amber!

What brave choices have you made lately?