Monday, August 9, 2010

Visitor from South Africa

Imogen invited her neighbour who is visiting Nelson from South Africa to join us for a day. Carmen enjoyed it so much she came back for a second day. She is going to live in Angolia in September.We googled Angolia and studied maps to find out about this African country.
Some facts we found out.....
* It has the richest oil fields in the world
*There has been a civil war in Angolia for 27 years.
*Angolia is trying to rebuild after years of war.
*Angolian kids love soccer.
*It is very hot in Angolia.

In the photo we posed with Carmen on the climbing wall and tower.

1 comment:

  1. What an interesting country. Is Angolia the same place as Angola or has it changed it's name recenlty? Hmmmm...


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