Monday, March 15, 2010
Matangi Awhio
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Edible Gardens
Auckland Point School applied for support from The edible Gardens Trust, and along with other schools in the city, we were accepted. The plot was selected and seating from the old courtyard outside Nelson Room provided the planks for the raised beds. Gable constructed the beds, the St. Vincent Room children filled with raised beds with super soil ( a mixture of compost and soil with added fertilizer), with a little help from Kim.
Petra Fidler is our gardener who comes to school each Friday for 2 hours. During that time she works with groups of 5 children, planting seeds,learning about plants and herbs.
A lunchtime Garden Club has been formed and these children meet at 1.00 with Petra.
We will post regular blogs so our parents can see how we are doing.
An item in the Leader caught our eye ( Grow a potato on your office desk!!!....) and an email was sent off to the organiser asking if we could enter? (It was noted that Judi had a desk, Mrs. Wadsworth had a desk and so did Megan!) An answer is yes, 3 potatoes would be delivered to the school for the big plant off on 1st March.
Shone measured a bucket to check we had the official 10 litre one. And the potato was duly planted with a sign saying....SEE YOU LATER TATER! We'll keep you updated on that one too.
Rugby League.
We are fortunate this term to have 2 rugby league coaches who come into the school each Monday and coach the children. We are learning new skills in ball handling, passing the ball and kicking. Andrew and Mike taught us how to tackle, we used big black bags and the boys were right into it. We have learnt new games and the children are enjoying the opportunities the coaches are setting up for us.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
School Triathlon
Last Friday all children at Auckland Point took part in the annual school triathlon. Many parents and grandparents came to support and cheer on their children. Children had the opportunity to do all three events as an individual or compete in teams of three. With temperatures in the high twenties by 9.30, the ice block the children were given after it was over, was really appreciated.
Tinneka (Yr. 4) wrote...
Last Friday I was in the school triathlon. My team was Isabella, Skyla and I. Isabella was cycling, Skyla swum and I ran. After that we watched the big kids. They did the individual events. I had to be in the junior team. When I completed the triathlon I felt exhausted at the end. I ran on the paddock and in the end I fell over. I was knacked. For a treat we got an ice block. Matt did well. We didn't get a necklace like last year.
Georgia (Yr. 2) wrote...
Brearna and Brooklyn were in my team. Brooklyn was swimming and Brearna was scootering. Brooklyn helped me. She helped me swim. I was cold when I got out.
Luke (Yr.3) wrote...
On Friday I completed in the School Triathlon. I was in a team, Adam did the running, Cannan did the swimming and I did the cycling. Adam did 2 laps, Cannan did 5 laps and I did 3 laps. I was in the junior class. I cam first. I was very proud of myself. There were people watching me. When I was finished I had to go to the swimming pool and cheer on my team. I was very puffed at the end of the triathlon.
Fountain upgrade and opening ceremony.
We have waited all summer for the North Lions and tradesmen to complete the repainting, rewiring, new lighting and new water display at Moller Fountain. After a "hurry up Mr Mayor" letter... Mr Peter Grundy from the Nelson City Council invited our class and the rest of the school to attend the opening of the fountain. Mayor Kerry Marshall spoke to the assembled group. Brearna was choosen from our room to cut the ribbon with Mr Mayor. On cutting the ribbon, the new water display was turned on for all to see. Port Nelson arranged a sausage sizzle and children, parents and invited guests enjoyed the food and display.
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