Monday, November 3, 2014

We have been working on Poetry in St V and especially similies. Hope you like our work.

The snake’s catch

One snowy winter , a slithering snake was hiding in it’s burrow.

The snake shot out of the burrow like a bullet from a gun.

He slowly pulled the hairy, furry, bony, lifeless form

Into his dark burrow.

He’s proud of his catch.

“How do you like it in hell”?

Sirus, Mya, Harrison, Kayla, Jade, Arjay, Sam, Bella, Charlotte, Sequoia, Drake


The winter dream

It was a shivering night, the zombies had risen.

Lightening had struck our house.

It was a windy night, the leaves were flying like birds,

The moon was so bright it shone like fire.

We saw zombies scratching at our door!

My eyes flashed open, the sun is beaming,

The sky is blue, trees are in blossom.

Tom, the cat bursts through the door.

Maison, Nate, Zoe, James, Deklen, Joseph, Journee, Conroy, Ralph Amber, Shimiela, Ricky, Bruno, X avier

We had a lot of fun on Halloween, dressing up in our freaky, creepy costumes. The children looked awesome. Drake was the winning boy from St V and Kayla was the winning girl, but really you were all awesome.