Sunday, March 7, 2010

Edible Gardens
Auckland Point School applied for support from The edible Gardens Trust, and along with other schools in the city, we were accepted. The plot was selected and seating from the old courtyard outside Nelson Room provided the planks for the raised beds. Gable constructed the beds, the St. Vincent Room children filled with raised beds with super soil ( a mixture of compost and soil with added fertilizer), with a little help from Kim.
Petra Fidler is our gardener who comes to school each Friday for 2 hours. During that time she works with groups of 5 children, planting seeds,learning about plants and herbs.
A lunchtime Garden Club has been formed and these children meet at 1.00 with Petra.
We will post regular blogs so our parents can see how we are doing.
An item in the Leader caught our eye ( Grow a potato on your office desk!!!....) and an email was sent off to the organiser asking if we could enter? (It was noted that Judi had a desk, Mrs. Wadsworth had a desk and so did Megan!) An answer is yes, 3 potatoes would be delivered to the school for the big plant off on 1st March.
Shone measured a bucket to check we had the official 10 litre one. And the potato was duly planted with a sign saying....SEE YOU LATER TATER! We'll keep you updated on that one too.

1 comment:

  1. You are all doing such a great job with the garden. It's really nice to come in each day and watch the progress. I can't wait to see the first little seeds pop their heads above the soil. I wonder which ones will come up first?


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